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Discover GameHub

Your One-Stop Shop for Instant Gaming Fun!

Ready, set, play with GameHub's collection of off-the-shelf games, where endless entertainment is just a click away!
Our games are designed to spark collaboration, ignite creativity, and promote friendly competition.

Perfect for groups of any size, each game is crafted for players ranging from 2-5 members per team, making them ideal for corporate events, team-building sessions, and social gatherings.

With GameHub, there's no waiting around. Select from a variety of games, each packed with a multitude of levels, where unique challenges await.

Your teams will navigate through thrilling journeys and compete to reach new heights of collective achievement.

Transform your next event into an unforgettable adventure with GameHub – where fun meets function, and every game promises a journey of discovery and excitement!


The Xmas Calendar 2024


An Advent Adventure Unfolding Day by Day

Combine the anticipation of Christmas with a daily dose of fun with our unique advent calendar.

Experience a new challenge every day, as each door opens to reveal a fresh task, keeping the festive spirit alive throughout the holiday season for your company or clients.

Coming soon

The PlayTime Experience


Boost your team's spirit with PlayTime!

Dive into an epic adventure at your next event.
Ready to transform teamwork into play?

The teams will embark on a series of captivating missions on their journey to success.

Designed for 2-5 players per team, this game is the perfect addition to your next conference or meeting.

Available in English and Norwegian, it's time to do a team game for your events, Conferences and Get-Togethers.




Dive into the heart of the city with CityRumble, the ultimate urban exploration game! Team up with colleagues for a thrilling adventure that combines mind-bending trivia challenges with exciting puzzles, alongside sightseeing adventures and creative missions.

From historical mysteries to the beats of urban life, get ready to experience your city like never before. Perfect for companies seeking a unique team-building activity, tourists eager to explore, or locals looking to rediscover their surroundings.

Available in English and Norwegian, it's time to lace up, charge up, and let the urban adventure begin.

Explore now

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