Export sessions from an event to another event Hoveddel Side topp

Export sessions from an event to another event


In this article I will show you how easy is to export sessions from an event and import them in another event on another solution.

We need to prepare for this:

  1. Check the event A with ID 100352 - where you'll make the export
  2. Choose the event B where you need to import the file from event A with ID 100020


Steps to do this process:

  1. Export the sessions from event A - using the export button in the bottom

  2. Open the exported file and clear first 2 columns (A and B) which contains the session IDs and event ID (in our case here 100352). You have to allow edit file in order to do these changes.

  3. After you cleared the columns you should take the event ID B which you can find easily in the event URL - in our case 100020 and copy this number in column B in all the cells you removed the previous event ID

  4. Now you can import the file in the new event using the import button in the bottom of the page as shown in the image below - you can drag the excel here or you can click on the icon and find it in your computer and double click it - the import will be fast - in matter of seconds - bear in mind that it won't import the images - only the text content

  5. We have to create folders and bring the image/video resources from event A to event B now and here we need to invest more time to do this. 
    We have 2 ways to identify the folders and see their content - we need to get in the upload images catalog - we click on the settings wheel and we'll find this option in the list:

    a. The popup image accessible from Manage image button

    b. Or the dropdown selector from upload images catalog:

    Once we have the same structure on our desktop we can start to download content one by one by clicking the disket icon (we can keep the CTRL + click on icon and will download).

    We have to create same folder structure on the Solution B (for event B) and once we have the images we just drag all of them in the corespondand folders:

  6. After we have all the resources from Solution A (event A) to Solution B (event B) we have to put them piece by piece in the right sessions and modules - and this will take time - we can make it faster by using the Mass Edit button in the session view as described below (this option will actually open the whole sessions in one page so we can work on all of them once instead open Session by Session).
    We can put side by side both solution and as we keep and place the images where they should be we just scroll in the page.
    A. Choose the sessions for the game and in the filter down select all - do these for both solutions:

    the goal si to bring all the images below in the same position like in the Solution A:

    B. Now we click edit on both events and put these 2 screens side by side in the mass edit new opened pages:

    You select the image and you should crop it:

    The crop has a progress rolling wheel

    After is done the image will appear there and it will be identical with the Event A

  7. And we have to continue with all 24 images to choose crop and in the end we must click on the save button in the bottom of the page and the page will refresh and we will see all the images in the right place:

    8. Continue with the Sessions main images - so we make the same - choose sessions - Edit All in the bottom of page and go on all the images you see click them and you'll see the solution A links instead solution B - so we just select the images we previously moved here and arrange a little bit to look the same - and save:
    - this step can be done in the previous too - but need to change to many data's in one go / so it's safer to make smaller steps and save to avoid any data loss

    And after clicked Edit we jump in next page where we have an overview of the all sessions. We have to change the image links because if someone will delete them from Solution A they won't work anymore here.

    We have in general 2 images on each session.
    - large image which should be found in Photo tasks folder - size 100%xauto::

    - small square image which can be found in Assets folder - size 70%xauto:

    Another hint is related to the videos which are hosted directly in Vimeo even they are uploaded in Solution A - we can leave the Vimeo links as they are because usually we don't delete the Videos from Solution A - is you need to be 100% that in 10 years you'll still have them here maybe you can download them and upload in this Solution B. These are not to many only in some sessions.

    9. Next step for the sessions is to change the links which will bring us the the solution A instead to be constructed in solution B. Here we need to find all the places where we have links. 
    - first place is the profile image link from the solution A - event A which we need to change to solution B - event B - the 1st session called "Før du starter"

    - we can edit the link directly in the HTML area with Edit link or in the HTML area - tools section HTML source code (I prefer to use this because you can see if they are other links)

    - the link we will use is the profile user link in this event:
    - in the preview right side you click on the profile image (step 1)
    - open URL in a new tab (step 2)
    - take the URL from the new tab and copy (step 3)
    - the place where you need to copy is the open URL as discribed above (step 4)
    - hit ok in this window after you pasted the link (step 5)
    - save the page with the greeb button in the footer of the page (step 6)

    10. This chapter is related to the last Session - Scoreboard - here is not just the link to change but to create also a Sceen Scoreboard for this Quizmas.
    We can go from this Event A last session Scoreboard:

    And we have to go here in Displays and create a new Quiz scoreboard following next steps:
    - click new screen a new pop-up image will appear
    - fill desired name there and click save and close the pop-up 

    - the page will refresh and the new screen will be visible - you have to click on it / scroll in the left to first session - First December - click on it and it will become red - the in the middle you click on Course Select All and save the page using the green Save button in the bottom

    - click on the Preview button near the save button and the scoreboard page will open in new tab - copy the URL link from this tab and insert in the Scoreboard Session in HTML are a and save the page

