Forms - Create a registration form Hoveddel Side topp

Forms - Create a registration form

Creating a registration form is easy and you can add as many fields as you want. The finished registration form can either be sent directly to a potential participant or added as an iframe in an existing website.

Go to Events - Registration and checking - Registration Form

There are two types of registration mode "Simple registration mode"(contains Email and Mobile number) and "Classic Registration mode"(contains firstname,surname,email,repeat email and mobile number).

Simple registration mode and Classic registration mode are setted up from Edit event:

At "Advanced registration settings" know as Registration Mode:

Simple Registration Mode preview:

Classic Registration Mode preview:

Additional form fields are created as "new questions" added in registration form:

To add questions click on "Add a new field".The eyes on the field expands the question to edit it.

New alternative is to add multiple choices for single choice or multiple choice.

Question: The label or options in a drop down list
Required: Mandatory field
Type: Field type to show in registration form

  • Label: Textfield to seperate form fields
  • Text: Standard textfield to add text 
  • Textarea:Extend of textfield to add text
  • Single choice: Drop down field with several options
  • Single choice w/Other:
  • Multiple choice: Check box with several options
  • Date: Date field
  • Time question: hh:mm
  • Date of birth:Date field for birthday
  • Payment single choice:
  • Payment multiple choice:
  • Discount:Code field
  • Display variabel:
  • Mobile number:mobile field
  • Email:email field
  • Rating:Selector to rate
  • Get single choice values:
  • Get multiple choice values:
  • Session groups single choice:
  • Session groups multiple choice:
  • Session groups w/payment single choice:
  • Session groups w/payment multiple choice:
  • Single choice from archive: Select data from database
  • Multiple choice from archive: Select data from database

Single choice - is a role field type where each role is associated with one or more fields in the form.

Example: unless you select one of the following

you won't be able to see the other questions that are revealed based on that role you selected

Add a new field: will add a new field for a question.

Preview:will open a new window to see how the registration looks like.

Discounts:will take you to the discount page.

Taxes & fees:will take you to the taxes page.

For people to be able to register remember to open booking in Edit Event and save your questions at the end.

