Homepage Hoveddel Side topp

Gamification Homepage

Setting up Homepage

Here we can set up the Homepage using 3 options:

Website: is setting up website as homepage in an Iframe - so we can host here an entire website with navigation in all the pages. First we can choose the Website and in the second field we are able to select one specific page to be the first page shown here as Homepage.

Sessions: Contains the session of this event and can be used to set one of it as homepage,the user will be directly into session details seeing its content
First you have a drop down with all the sessions and modules inside the sessions to choose from:

And after you decided to one you can select it and save - Page will refresh and you'll see in the right side (Mobile preview) how will be the page for the users.



Homepages: is a page created by the client containing only a simple homepage without options to navigate

Home top banner: Image top banner of the homepage

Home top banner video: Video top banner of the homepage(if there is a image and a video setted the video will take priority hiding the image)

Home Title: Title of the Homepage

Home Text: Text content of the Homepage

Main Link: Link in the homepage


