Hoveddel Side topp

S 03 - Building pages - A - Home

Guidance for creating a "Home" page.

On this tutorial we will show you how to create a "Home" page.

Step 1
On the header tab click on "Websites".

Step 2
As you can see there is a list of websites on the left of the window.

Please select the designated website where you want to add your "Home" page.

Step 3
Now you can see on the navigation menu with three tabs: "Edit website" , "New page", "Pages". For this tutorial click  the "New page" tab.

Step 4
In the new page you can choose what kind of page you want to create.

  • "Menu title" - Give the page a name that will be displayed in the menu.
  • "Website" - Select the website you want to add the new page to. (If you want to add this page to another website select another)
  • "Parent page" - Choose if this page is the child of another page or on the root.
  • "Template" - Select what kind of template you want to use for this page. In short, what is the purpose of the page. Select the "A - Home" on the "Template" option, then click save on the bottom of the window.

On the top right of the "New page" you will find:

  • "Active" - This option allows you to show or hide the page.
  • "Hide from menu" - This option allows you to hide this page from the menu.
  • "Locked" - This option allows you to lock the page from beeing edited and / or deleted. To edit or delete the page uncheck the "Locked" and click "save" then it is ready for editing and deleting under "List pages".
  • "Required" - This option allows you to mark the page as required to keep the website alive.
  • "Password required" - This option allows you to protect this page from beeing accesed by not registered users.

Step 5 - adding the page content
Now that you created your "Home" page, you still need to add some content to your page.

To fill the template we need to fill some content:
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
• Page title
This is the name that will be added to the tabs in your browser ( By default this is the same as the menu title ).This will also be the name that will be provided for google.
When the character count turn red your page title is too long for beeing optimized.

• Description
Give your content a good description that people will see at the searchengines.

• Keywords
If your site is in english you can click the "Generate Meta keywords", and we will use google to come up with the keywords you should use. In other languages just add keywords describing the content devided by ","

• Route
You can write the path you want for the page, i.e. News or Internal/news.

Banner settings

In this panel you will find your banner settings:

  • "Interval" -  
  • "Delay" - 
  • "Full width" - 


This panel is reserved for your banner that will be found on the top of your website:

  • "Image" - Add a image or a default fallback image is provided.
  • "Gif" - Add a gif or a default fallback gif is provided.


This panel is reserved for adding new items that are used for redirecting to other pages:

  • "Link" - Space reserved for selecting a link.
  • "Image" - Add a image or a default fallback image is provided.
  • "Rollover text" - Short description of the link.
  • "Gif" -  Add a gif or a default fallback gif is provided.


This panel is reserved for your content

  • "Heading" - This is the title of your article.
  • "Image" - Add a image or a default fallback image is provided.
  • "Ingress" - This is the sumary of your body text.
  • "Body text" - This is the main content of your content.


With this panel you can show all of your news you have on site. It will be displayed before the footer:

  • "Heading"
  • "Categories" - A list of categories that you must select in order to obtain the news data. ( Note: In order for the "News" functionality to work you must select at least one category )
  • "Newspage" - Form response if it fails.
  • "Use rectangle" - Optional option if you want the news items to look like rectangles. Default display of the items is in form of circle.
  • "Show nextX month" - Display activities instead of articles that will took place in the future. 


In this panel you can use "finn.no" to show your products that are on sale:

  • "Heading"
  • "Categories"
  • "Productspage"

This panel is reserved for your desired footer. You can also set a default footer in the page settings.
Note: The footer must be created in order to select it. For more information about creating a footer please read this tutorial: "S 03 - Bulding pages - C - Footer".

After you entered all your information click "Save".


When you are trying to edit your content in our HTMLEditor ( E.g: "Content (Panel) > Body text (Text area)") you can split the text into multiple lines by using the "Insert > Horizontal Line" allowing you to break them into more columns.



