Tax Rate Hoveddel Side topp

Taxes & fees

Here you can customize the taxes & fees for your event:


Title: - Title of the Setup
Company: - Company Name
Business address: - address Location

City: City name
State: State name
Zip: zip code
Country: Country
Footer terms: Terms that show in the bottom of the invoice. Can contain cancellation terms etc.

Pass fees on the attendee:

When checked the transaction fees are passed on to the attendee.

Show prices include vat:

If turned on the prices in the registration form will be shown including VAT in the SHoppingcart and in the checkout screen.

Payment system fees:

Transaction fee % of sum: 
One time transaction fee: 
Transaction tax: Most often 0,-

Here you enter the deal you have with the payment provider, in most cases Nets easy.


In the example above:

These are questions from the "Registration form" you can have a view of display how the prices are displayed:

Taxes are always included in final price:

If you check the Prices include taxes, the prices you add in the registration form include taxes already.
In registration form product  = 100
In basket and checkout if you show without tax = 80

Default tax percent: Enter the default tax for all products.
Set tax procent to all: This option sets tax procent to all bellow items that are added in registration form, it updates after was added in registration form and needs to be refresh to be updated.

Here you see how to navigate to the backend page:

Here is the questions from the "Registration form" in our example.



