All sitebuilder templates Hoveddel Side topp

All sitebuilder templates 2024

We have 13 lucky templates to choose for your website

This article provides an overview of the 13 templates available for the websites, completed with demo links.

Each template is given a unique backend name for quick identification when creating a website experience.

Backend links are formatted like this: 

It includes a Mobile Preview function for real-time visualization.
Most backend publisher pages include fields for subjects, headers, HTML content, links, images (with cropping options), logos, and videos, allowing for easy customization and efficient content management.

In the image above, the templates are displayed on the left, with the editing section in the center. On the right, there is a Mobile Preview that can be refreshed to show the most recent changes.

Below are all the available templates for review.

  1. Sections 1
    This page can be used like a home page for your website structured with different areas of interest - you can add a top banner and sections with photos, links, and text.

  2. Home
    Usually, this page is the home of the website - top banner, links with thumbnails to the pages, a text part, news rounded thumbnails, footer part.

  3. Program -
    Here, you can have an event program with sections where you can add hours, images, and text - along with a top banner and some links in the top part of the page.
  4. Text & Image
    In this template, you can add images, links, a datagrid (like an Excel table with different data), and a footer part with links, ratings, likes, and comments fields.

  5. One pager
    This template is powerful enough to serve as a complete presentation page for a company, featuring a top banner, links, and sections to add engaging content.

  6. Media-Gallery
    This page is for media content - images and videos, with options for thumbnails, naming, search, and sorting. Features a full-screen mode with like, rate, and comment functionalities.

  7. Contact us
    The contact page includes a Google Maps integration, contact details, and options for user interactions like email, phone, Skype, and VCF files.

  8. Formbuilder
    A page for contact or inquiry forms, allowing potential clients to provide details. Includes Recaptcha for security.

  9. Iframe
    This template allows embedding external website content via iframes and can be used for registration or feedback forms.

  10. Videoindex
    A complex template for videos, images, text, and overlay elements, suitable for dynamic front-page use with scroll actions.

  11. News feed
    Displays event news in summary format, allowing sorting by date and managing article folders in the backend.

  12. Presentations
    Similar to the News template but without date information in the summary.

  13. Activities
    Combines news and activities features, including a calendar for date-based activity display.

  14. Special pages - All settings related to website design, including fonts, logo, site menu, colors, social connections, and more. This section is dedicated to overall website customization.


