C 07 List of participants - booking Hoveddel Side topp

Booking - List of participants

An overview of all your Event Participants can be found in Booking Page. Here you'll see if they registered or are checked in / Edit - Remove or Register to events.

Go in Events - Communicator - Registration and checking - Booking



 Name: Name of user

 E-mail: E-mail address of the user

Unsubscribed:checker if the user is unsubscribed

 Test User: if the user is a test user


  • User is registered
  • User is booked
  • Awaiting response to invitation

Check-in: not checked in,box with a profile image means its checked in

User total: how much a user added in the cart

Paidtotal: how much a user payed

Is paid:

Payments: link to order details

Edit: Edit information about the user by clicking on the icon

Register: Register an user by clicking on the icon

Remove: You can delete an iser pushing the icon

