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Log Retention Emails and SMS

We have 5 days for Mailgun emails and 6 months for SMSs sent through Teletopia Gateway

In our platform you can send Emails and SMSs to the users.

We support both ways to communicate with your users using Mailgun service for emails and Teletopia SMS Gateway for SMSs.

Mailgun - - we have a log retention plan for 5 days so if you need to see what happened with an email reached to your user more than 5 days we need to increase this paid plan with Mailgun. We cannot export the results from Mailgun.

First window in Mailgun will be the dashboard view with an overview graphic

Further we can see in logs different things happened to an email - sent / delivered / opened / clicked / bounced but not more than 5 days with current plan we pay - it can be extended up to 30 days - or maybe more if Mailgun can keep it

Another option will be for you to set your own email account for events and add this email in BCC filed we have in each event. So all the Registration - confirmation emails user will get will go to your email too so you canhave them for a longer period of time.

Teletopia - we have a log retention for 6 months - we can download here all the SMSs for a client or for a single user - an SMS we are sending from Communicator interface can be sent in 3 messages although user will get an SMS only

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