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Advanced agenda control

Setting up advanced agendas with multiple tracks in gamification.
Can even be used fro 1:1 Sessions.

The video have old layout, but will show you what it takes.

Setup all the different alternatives you will need for sesiongroups. Create a blank session and add the alternatives there just to have some default values, to can be used in all the different sessions.

Add the sessiongroup alternatives you need:
All, Crew, Keynotes, Attendees, Track 1, Track 2, Track 3, Nomenees etc


Go to: Create event / Settings
Agenda settings / Agenda mode:

Activate "My agenda"

Add a input field dropdown:
Sessions groups multiplechoice or Sessions groups singlechoice with or without payment.
Then they can select what to attend to themselves.

If you use the registration form the user can decide, if you use the private data you can decide who sees what

