Payment system with NETS Hoveddel Side topp

Payment system with NETS

On the Events platform we build we can have products payments with NETS Easy - Cards / Vipps / Riverty (PayAfter) / Apple Pay.

We can use this payment system with a Testing Environment (where we can use only NETs testing credit cards which can be found in their documentation here - or a Production Environment where all the payments are real and all these features are enabled.

In order to have this feature enabled and working we need to set up different options in the event:

1. First thing we should do is to enable the payment here in Edit Event details:

2. After that we will have also revealed different options: Registration form payment options / Discounts and Taxes & Fees. 
These will be seen in the tabs indicated below and in Registration from in the dropdown of the questions type selector


3. We choose the questions with the payment type single choice (user can choose only one product from a drop-down) or multiple choice (user can choose multiple products from a list by checking one by one) - and at this moment we won’t use any discount or taxes - that will be in a different article here.
- here we need to set the Products and a price per product + quantity - the stock number will be automatically updated once product was paid


Will have this preview and selector for each payment type - simple or multiple choice:


 4. Next option we have is: Taxes tab where we have different options to change the prices we added in registration form:
Left Side
- Title of this
- Company name
- Business address
- City
- State
- Zip code
- Country
- Footer terms
Right Side
- Show prices incl. Vat - selector on/off
- Prices includes taxes - selector on/off

- Default tax percent - we can choose a percentage here
- Set vat percent to all button - once we press this button will implement same value to all products below
- All Registration form products - we can set up different VAT percentage for each product or if we press the VAT button above will set same value to all products - in our case here 25%

 5. Last option we have is related to Discounts.

We must add in the registration form where we added the products a discount field too so we can link the 2 types of discounts we create with the booking - payment form the user will fill in.

After we added discount type in the form then we can go in the Discounts tab and press the button in the footer Add discount rule. Once we press the button we can add below 2 type of discounts Time based discount and Voucher Code Discount and use the Save all button every time when we need to save our work.


 A. Time based discount - we can set up a discount with an ending time period in this case below the Early bird discount. We have to focus on adding details on all the fields shown here:
Left Side
- Title of this discount - it will be seen in frontend
- Teaser text
- Start date  - we have to set this when will start this
- End date - end of discount
- Discount quantity - cannot be more discounts when the number will be reached
- Quantity used - a number which will show us how many discount were used
- Discount code - this field should be empty for the based time discount


Right Side
- Discount field - it should be a number
- Calculate in: - it could be be percent or a fixed amount
- Button: Set discount on all - set the same value to all products
- Button: Set discount type on all - set the same type value (percent or fixed amount) to all products
The product list with discount applied to each (after we saved the page). We can here decide to set different amount and type of discount for some products

B. Code based discount - we can have a discount based on a promotional code.
Left Side
- Title of this discount - it will be seen in frontend
- Teaser text
- Start date  - we have to set this when will start this
- End date - end of discount
- Discount quantity - cannot be more discounts when the number will be reached
- Quantity used - a number which will show us how many discount were used
- Discount code - this field should be a code which users will use it in the registration form


Right Side
- Discount field - it should be a number
- Calculate in: - it could be be percent or a fixed amount
- Button: Set discount on all - set the same value to all products
- Button: Set discount type on all - set the same type value (percent or fixed amount) to all products
The product list with discount applied to each (after we saved the page). We can here decide to set different amount and type of discount for some products

 Now we can check a simple Payment scenario based on the options we set up in taxes and a discount based on time:

- Show price incl VAT off in registration form / Prices includes taxes / Default VAT tax is 25% 
- Discount based on time 10%
- Multiple choice product: - Gen AI (4 000,00 + 1 000,00 = 5 000,00 NOK)
- Single choice product: Presidential Suite (8 000,00 + 2 000,00 = 10 000,00 NOK)

First page where you choose products - show only the products with 10% discount:

- Multiple choice product: - Gen AI 3600 NOK
- Single choice product: Presidential Suite 7200 NOK

In checkout screen we’ll see more details and the final calculation:

Total: Full price 12000 NOK
              Discount 1200 NOK
               Total 10800 NOK
               VAT (25%) 2700 NOK 
Final Price (Total + VAT) 13500 NOK

Here being a test we can pay with this test card: 6761638084569584 from this NETs documentation cards:

 We will be asked to approve payment:


 We will get a response back from NETs if the payment was successful:


 After this the page will refresh and have the new page with the Feedback message:


 Further we can check in our account in Billing history the payments we did:

If we need the invoice we can click on little green Download Cloud to see it:

Admin users of the event can check this payment in 2 ways: 

A. NETs admin panel:
- we have to be sure the Switch  to Test mode is enabled - being a test payment:

B. Publisher Registration admin panel:

If you need transaction details you can click on the small Dollar Coin and will open details transaction - you have to Expand both areas to see the products in first part and the payment details from NETS in the second part







