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Vote weight

We have the possibility to allow users to have a more powerfull voting session

In the voting module we offer the possibility for some users to increase their voting weight so for instance a manager vote can count 3 times versus a people from his team where the vote will be counted only once.

In order to make this working for a specific user we have to define a field in additional questions (private questions) the number of votes for each users - we can do it by importing with an excel files or directly in the edit user details.

  1. Define the field in the Private Questions - it could be a text type field

  2. Select the field in the vote module - from dropdown:

  3. Assign a value number for the user - 1 will be a vote will count once, 2 - user vote will count twice and so on. The value can be added manualy in edit user details or by excel file import:
    3.1. User edit (usually we use this if they are not to many users with vote weight rights):
    - in this case I will use 3 for this user

    And when he will vote will count 3 votes even he voted only one user:

    3.2. User vote veight by excel import in User Registration tab:

    - put the user in search field and use Filter button:

    - once filtered download selection and the excel file will go in your computer. You can add the number in the column Vote Weight from the Private Question area - in this case I used 2.5 value:

    - save the file and import back in the Registration / Booking tab section with import button - we will have a feedback message if all is good:

    - we can open user details to check if the value 2.5 was uploaded accordingly:

    - lastly we can check inside the Gamification the user voting power:

    - after the user voted will see  green feedback message / 2.5 Vote Veight for Frank Stevens / and total number of votes 5.5 in top bar:

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