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New Release 5.08.2024

We updated all solutions with different fixes and features as described below

We are pleased to announce the deployment of the following features:

1. Feature Enhancement: Notification Updates - Display Filter

We have improved the display of filters in the summary view to include more detailed information. Previously, only numerical values were shown.

Prior implementation displayed an array or a number:

2. Feature Enhancements: Notification Updates

  • Main Editor: Resized dimensions are now retained after reload, save, or other transitions.
  • Message Type: The message retains its type and does not default to HTML upon swapping.
  • Dynamic variable collapsing will be addressed in an upcoming task.
  • The sort direction triangle is reduced to 50% of its original size and now appears in green.
  • The dropdown adjacent to "State" is now black and the label "State" has been replaced.
  • "Send test" has been updated to "Save and Send Test (9)".
  • The "Send test user popup" has been replaced with a cleaner design featuring rounded corners, appearing as if emerging from the bottom bar.
  • Clicking on a test user now results in "Save and send to that person".
  • Clicking the button sends to all test users.
  • Clicking "Send" now results in a save and send operation and has been renamed to "Send now" (e.g., "Send now (763)").
  • Fix: Under the preview window, "Select test user" option now appears, allowing users to view how the notification will appear to a specific user across all four window types.

3. Bug Fix: Delete Articles or Catalog Folder

Users can now select an article and use the delete button at the bottom. A confirmation pop-up will appear.

Similarly, selecting a category and deleting it will also delete all articles within. A confirmation pop-up will also appear.

4. Bug Fix: Filter List - Delete or Change Password

Previously, issues with saving passwords or opening the filter link have been resolved.

Users can now save passwords and reuse links for filtered users:

Opening on the frontend: https://experience.live/public/booking-report.php?f=c94015bcce72afadbe6f171ac81282ddbce77c04 - password: 123

5. Bug Fix: Displaying Tax Fees Fields

6. New Feature: Add Feedback Data to Team Selector

We have integrated a feedback selector filter in the event settings:

Data in User Profile: Contains: Questions, Additional Info, Feedback
Defines the Teams: Contains: Questions, Additional Info, Feedback
Data in Public Profile: Contains: Questions, Additional Info, Feedback

All feedback data is added to the public profile dropdown, which is currently completely broken:

Questions, Additional Info, Questions, Additional Info

7. Notification Test Tag

All communication sent to test users now includes a test tag in Emails, Inline Notifications, SMSs, and Push Notifications:

Test Email:

Test SMS:

Inline Notification Test:

Push Notifications Test: This is applicable to both the locked screen and the opened app:

8. Fix: Tax Fees Calculation on Nets and NetsAPI

We have worked on displaying the fees and calculating the final price. Various fees can be set up under the Taxes and Fees tab in Gamification. These fees can be included or excluded from the user payment in the registration form:

The computed result will be displayed as follows - the formula calculation is available here:

9. Feature: Sort Session Groups Alphabetically After Save

We have implemented an alphabetical sorting feature for session groups. For instance, session groups will be sorted as: Group A, Session B, Group C, Group D, 0 Group, Group 1.

After saving, they will be sorted as follows:

0 Group

Additionally, it is now possible to click on them in the session list and view all at once:

10. Adding Searchable Data in Public Profile in Gamification Settings

This feature is under development. We will enable the selection of new parameters to find people in the contact list as defined by the questions set in Event Settings. If selected in the backend, additional answers will be displayed for the user:

The current display is as follows:

11. Notification Filters - Metrics for Attending and Unanswered Users

To facilitate proper communication setup, it is crucial to have user and value metrics for each selected item. This enhancement pre-registers data for the user.

Previously, setting up communication that depended on data was limited by user registrations, additional information, or feedback. This issue has been resolved. Now, user and value metrics are available for attending and unanswered users, enabling notifications to be sent to prompt responses.

The information now includes user numbers and non-respondents, allowing for notifications to be sent specifically to those who need to answer:

12. Invoice Interface Fixes in User Billing View

We have rearranged the invoice view, accounting for VAT, Discounts, and system payments - Card / Vipps / AfterPay.

View a demo at the following link: here.

The print option is available on PC (Ctrl+P) or MAC (CMD+P) and can be set to portrait mode, A4, and scale 90% to save as PDF:

The result will appear as follows:

We have also optimized the mobile view:

On mobile devices, the print function requires using the send (share) button and saving as PDF in A3 format. Currently, this displays a black invoice page instead of a white one:


13. Bug Fix: Duplicate or Delete Queue Notification

The issue preventing the deletion or duplication of notifications has been resolved:



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